Soren Annual Report 2023 - Soren

2023 Annual report

All the data available on the collection and treatment of used photovoltaic solar panels in France 2023.


Member declarations

Photovoltaic panels
put on the French market in 2023

* Évolution par rapport à 2022

Distribution of
put-on market by producer status

Distribution of put-on market by producer status


Producer members
as of December 31, 2023



Collection points
as of December 31, 2023


Collection results

Annual collection
of used photovoltaic panels in tons

Photovoltaic panel
collection volumes


5 207 t

total collection

Distribution by collection method


403 t

collection points


4 804 t

on-site pick-up

Geographic distribution

4 431 t

metropolitan France


776 t

overseas territories

Tons collected
per regions



Used photovoltaic panels
treated in 2023

Used photovoltaic panels treated in 2023

Distribution of service providers
mapping of massification centers and treatment centers

Soren mapping of massification centers and treatment centers


2023 data in K€

Soren finance 2023

Cash and provisions for future expenses
at december 31, 2023

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